Meet the Fairboard
​Executive Board
President: Kaitlyn Sonifrank
Vice President: Carole Craddock
Secretary: Betty Burke
Treasurer: Vanessa Proffitt
Board Members
John Benner
Alice Bodkin
Turk Burke
Ryan Deming
Peggy Smith
Kirk Propst
Richard Watts
Michelle Ruebush
Melissa Howell
Eric Stogdale
Colby Morris
Caden Morris
Executive Director
Ellen Shaver Shank

Every year, the Augusta County Fair brings the community together to highlight the county’s local agricultural industry, blending in fun, educational experiences, and modern entertainment.
From livestock judging to acrobats, illusions, laser tag, and globally diverse cultures, everyone gets a bird’s eye view of the great big world while enjoying first-class entertainment.
Kids receive interactive experiences and the ability to learn about the world around them!
The Fair's educational events spark their imagination while teaching!
The Fair provides family entertainment and supports the community and local businesses!
The Augusta County Fair works diligently to maintain affordable admission and high-quality entertainment so families can provide this experience to their children.
It is fun, fellowship, food, and a chance to catch up with old friends and make new ones while learning something new!